Thursday, March 24, 2011


The poem that stuck out to me most this week out of all of the groups presenting, was “God, a Poem.” Not only did I ponder about this throughout the week; it actually came to really bother me. I knew people would feel this way about God, but to actually hear it verbalized- hurt a little. I suppose one can relate it to someone talking badly about your family, or a person you care deeply about and love. He spoke this way about my heavenly Father. I suppose that is how we should feel as Christians; offended, hurt, wronged. I really would have preferred to have the initial reaction of showing this man love, or trying to witness to him, conveying to him that he has been told all lies. Instead, I just wanted to be angry with him, for talking about my Lord in such a way. While my first instinct was to yell at this man; the tender part of my heart ached for him. It seemed as though he knew it all. Lethargically telling this poem as if nothing mattered at all.

It is somewhat interesting to me, that he acknowledged there is a God. But made Him out to be this vindictive spirit that gave no thought or concern for the creation he had set upon this earth.
‘You're a serious mistake in a nightie,
You're a grave disappointment all round-
That's all you are, ' says th'Almighty,
'And that's all that you'll be underground.'
I know nothing could be further than the truth. It’s sad. God’s character is love; unfailing, eduring love for each and everyone of us; even when it is sadly unaccepted. “This is what the Lord is saying, I am these things, I am love, this is my nature, my character, this is what I created man to be, this is the height that man fell from, and to which he is to be restored”

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