Wednesday, April 20, 2011

-are we the good guys? annotation on fire

In the novel The Road, the boy consistently struggles with knowing if they are the good guys. It’s a phrase used many times in the story. The man and the boy consider themselves “the good guys,” and rightfully so. Throughout the entire novel, not once do they resort to the evil actions of the other survivors. Readers, are exposed to a phrase over and over again, and that is this: "We are the carriers of the fire." At times it is simply stated, and others, the boy questions his father. Before this is unpacked, I think it is a good idea to truly appreciate all of the different meanings that fire can hold. Here are a few definitions of the fire as seen below:
• a state, process, or instance of combustion in which fuel or other material is ignited and combined with oxygen, giving off light, heat, and flame.
• a burning mass of material, as on a hearth or in a furnace.
• the destructive burning of a building, town, forest, etc.; conflagration.
• heat used for cooking, especially the lighted burner of a stove: Put the kettle on the fire.
• flashing light; luminous appearance.
• brilliance, as of a gem.
• burning passion; excitement or enthusiasm; ardor.
• liveliness of imagination.
• fever or inflammation.
• severe trial or trouble; ordeal.
• exposure to fire as a means of torture or ordeal.
• a spark or sparks.

When i originally read “the carriers of fire,” I felt like the author might have been portraying that they need to carry something good, something symbolic of hope. Upon further investigation of this word, and classroom discussions, this idea of fire as being something good, slowly began to fade. It not only can kill, but can also be destructive. While thinking about it more, I thought maybe there was some kind of dual meaning. Fire can also keep one alive. In this novel, we see fire can be used to see, and for guidance, and warmth; ultimately their survival. We as Christ followers, usually view fire as a good thing, bringing light to darkness, and to actually be light in a dark place. I’d like think that is how the author intended it. That is how I view the man and the son. It can also be seen as a source of power. For the rest of the people traveling the road, this is how I feel they are viewed.

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